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3 Effective Ways To Decrease Your Stress

by Hector Holland

Stress is a very common occurrence, and you may brush it off as normal. When you are juggling school, work, and your personal life, it may seem like burnout is inevitable. However, stress is bad for your health and it can be fatal. Stress can

  • increase your risk of heart disease by 40 percent

  • increase your risk of heart attack by 20 percent

  • increase your risk of stroke by 50 percent

Fortunately, there are many simple and effective methods for relieving your overwhelming feelings. Check out these three tried and true methods for decreasing stress.

One: Show Gratitude For The Little Things

Focusing on the positive parts of your life is a quick way to reduce your tension. Happy thoughts can boost your endorphin levels, which may decrease your stress. When you feel stress building up, take a few minutes to express your gratitude. Try out these ideas:

  • Make a list of positive parts of your day. Examples include a great cup of coffee, a productive day at work, or nice weather.

  • Write down five people or things you are grateful for.

  • Keep a small notepad on hand so you can write these lists daily. Reflect on them occasionally to boost your mood.

Two: Try Guided Breathing Exercises

Guided breathing exercises help you focus on taking slow, steady breaths. This can reduce anxiety and stress, and it may clear your head. There are numerous free resources for guided breathing exercises. Some of them include

  • YouTube – YouTube has several excellent tutorials for this exact purpose. Search for "guided breathing exercises" or "guided meditation" to find relevant videos.

  • Download Tutorials - There are many different free downloads for assistance with guided breathing. The Free Mindfulness Project offers breathing and mindfulness exercises and several other meditation strategies.

Three: Take Care Of Your Health

Taking care of your health is an excellent way to decrease your stress levels. This includes your mental, physical, and emotional health. You may not have to make any drastic lifestyle changes in most cases. Try out these changes:

  • Get enough sleep at night. Seven to eight hours per night is ideal.

  • Eat a well-balanced diet. Eating a healthy, balanced diet can boost your energy and help you maintain steady energy throughout the day. This may reduce your day-to-day stress.

  • Seek counselling services. There are many different types of counselling available. Some examples include group therapy, individual counselling, and family therapy. Talking to a counsellor or therapist like Halpern & Associates Psychological Services psychologist is an excellent outlet for stress, and you can get professional advice on stress management.
