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Why You Should Consider Adding Osteopathic Manual Therapy To Your Health Care Routine

by Hector Holland

Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT) is a form of alternative medicine that is growing in popularity as more people become aware of its many benefits. OMT treatments involve a combination of gentle, hands-on techniques used to diagnose and treat a variety of musculoskeletal issues. It is performed by a certified and licensed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). This type of therapy is based on the belief that all body tissues, including the bones, muscles, ligaments and fascia, are interconnected. By manipulating these tissues, OMT practitioners seek to restore balance and improve health by restoring normal movement and function to the body's various systems.

The Fundamentals of OMT

At the heart of OMT is the belief that the body has natural self-healing capabilities. OMT practitioners use a variety of tests and procedures to identify areas of restriction and dysfunction, then use gentle hands-on techniques to treat them. The tests can be things like X-rays, CT scans, MRIs or even blood work. The techniques can include massage, soft tissue manipulation, joint mobilization, stretching and exercises. OMT also often includes energy therapies such as Reiki, as well as lifestyle changes and nutritional counselling.

The Process of OMT

When performing OMT, the osteopath will use their hands to palpate, stretch, and massage the patient's body. This is done in order to manipulate the tissue, muscles and joints to improve their alignment and mobility. The goal of this treatment is to provide a holistic approach to health and wellness by restoring balance and correcting any structural issues in the body. OMT treatments are beneficial for a variety of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, sports injuries and chronic pain. These treatments may also be beneficial for other health issues, such as digestive problems, allergies and stress-related disorders. OMT can help reduce pain and increase mobility, as well as reduce stress and improve overall health. It can have a positive effect on almost every organ and system in the body.

Many people find that osteopathic manual therapy treatments offer relief from their pain and discomfort, as well as improved range of motion and function. OMT should always be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy and conventional medical treatments, as it is not a replacement for traditional medicine or treatments. If your primary care physician is a DO, you can discuss OMT with them. If your PCP is an MD ask them to refer a DO and to work with them. When used in conjunction with other therapies, OMT can often provide a powerful and natural way to improve your health and well-being.
